RTC-KPVTC Davao Holds Mind Education Orientation for Staff and Trainees

On February 06, 2023, the RTC-KPVTC conducted a Mind Education Orientation for all staff, trainers, and trainees, together with Center Administrator Constantino B. Panes Jr. Ed.D and Training Department Head Mr. Mario Dela Cerna, MTE. The event aimed to highlight the importance of mental health and well-being in today’s fast-pacing world.

The orientation was led by renowned speaker and mind education expert Rev. Kyunghyun “Abraham” Nam. He has dedicated his life in helping people understand the power of their thoughts and emotions and how they can use this understanding to improve their lives and never succumb to commit suicide or suffer from depression

Rev. Nam’s teachings focused on the belief that the mind is a powerful tool that can be used to shape our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. He emphasizes the importance of controlling our thoughts to improve our mental and emotional well-being and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. He also encourages a positive outlook and a growth mindset, stating that our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on our experiences.

Rev. Nam’s presentations are engaging and dynamic, using real-life examples, humor, and a powerful delivery style to engage his audiences and make his teachings accessible to everyone. His unique ability to connect with his audience and inspire them to take action has made him a popular speaker in the field of mind education.

The Mind Education Orientation by RTC-KPVTC provided valuable insights into the importance of mental health and well-being. Rev. Nam’s teachings emphasized the power of the mind and encouraged individuals to take control of their thoughts and emotions to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

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