RTC-KorPhil Davao Gathers for Special TAC Meeting

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Regional Training Center-Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center (RTC-KPVTC) in Davao held a significant face-to-face meeting at Rophe’s Chicken, Buhangin, Davao City last Tuesday, October 17, 2023, marking a pivotal moment for the Training Center. The Special Technical Institution Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting convened to deliberate on critical matters.

One of the primary agenda items was the forthcoming Higher Education Institution (HEI) Consultation. The discussion delved into logistics, covering essential aspects such as the venue, agenda, and proposed date for the consultation. This strategic planning ensures a seamless and fruitful engagement during the HEI Consultation.

Furthermore, the meeting included the presentation and discussion of an updated list of potential industry partners for collaboration. This comprehensive exchange aimed to identify synergies and opportunities for technology transfer and innovation initiatives, fostering a stronger connection between the training center and industries.

The Special TAC Meeting underlines RTC-KPVTC’s commitment to proactive and collaborative efforts in advancing technical education and skills development in the region. Such gatherings contribute to shaping the center’s direction and solidifying partnerships for a more dynamic and responsive vocational training landscape.

The Special Technical Institution Advisory Council (TAC) Meeting held at Rophe’s Chicken, Buhangin, Davao City, brought together key stakeholders from TESDA Regional Training Center-Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center (RTC-KPVTC), Davao. This event sets the stage for understanding the strategic importance of the meeting, emphasizing RTC-KPVTC’s dedication to shaping the future of technical education in the region through proactive engagement and collaborative initiatives.

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